About us

About us

Creating a pluralistic and inclusive society is an initiative that we often hear about today, such as gender and racial equality and inclusion of the disabled, but some areas have not received enough recognition and attention under this broad heading of diversity and inclusion.

I have worked in business for many years and am the mother of a neurodiverse youth. As my daughter began to enter the world, I realized that social or corporate misconceptions about neurodiverse youth and the disconnect between the education system and actual employability skills prevent neurodiverse youth from being given the opportunity to realize their unique potential and strengths.

Neurodiverse young people should not be seen as a burden to society, we need to ensure that society has a correct and comprehensive perception of neurodiverse people, and encourage the business sector to provide employment opportunities in an open and positive manner. I believe that neurodiverse youth are a group that can contribute to society and live meaningful lives.

Seed Bridge was founded to serve as a bridge for neurodiverse youth and help them connect to society. I hope to combine my experience in the business world with my experience as a neurodiverse parent to contribute to a diverse and inclusive society in the future. I sincerely hope that you will pay more attention and support to the work of Seed Bridge Society in the coming days, thank you!

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